“I think all high school juniors would benefit from the unique opportunity LASA provides to get a hands on look at the city. I know personally the program has continuously benefited me in the classroom with a better understanding about how the city operates and the current issues facing Los Angeles.”
Grace Levin, ’14
“LASA has given me insight into the ways the government and private groups can facilitate and implement programs/events in Los Angeles, at least, if not the world.”
-Davis C., ’18
“LASA has given me a new found love and interest in LA community work in general […] LASA has been an incredible program and I would not do much to change it.”
-Chezliah O., ’18
“I really enjoyed going to places that I wouldn’t go to on my own because they are awkwardly far away. LASA is a great way to “force” those experiences that I otherwise would never have. […] Because of this, I was able to fill out the “map” of LA that exists in my head.”
-Francis D., ’18