Another One in the Books News

In May, we gathered again via Zoom to conclude our time together and think about the future. We welcomed three college counselors from Harvard Westlake – Nia Kilgore, Jennifer Cardillo, and Jamie Chan – to discuss steps and questions the students could consider this summer and fall as they move into the college application process. We are so grateful for the counselors’ expertise and invaluable information about changes the colleges and universities are making and strategies the students may wish to utilize given covid-19. Also always, our students asked the counselors critical questions.

After a brief stretch/dance break, we welcomed LASA alums from multiple classes to share updates on their journeys and to reflect on the value of LASA in their lives. We virtually celebrated their college graduations, decisions on majors, and continued commitments to civic engagement. Although reunions in person are much more fun, the online format allowed us to connect with alums who ordinarily (because of their college calendars) would not have been back in LA in May and we were grateful to see their faces.

For the summer, LASA continues on two fronts. First, congratulations to the two winners of the Francine Werner Summer Research Prize. Students Lucy and Finnegan submitted proposals for research on LA’s biodiversity and the future of solar power and we will work with them to assist with research and with redesigning projects given this summer’s mobility restrictions. Second, we are admitting our class of 2020-2021 and planning for our August kickoff. 

We end this year with extra thanks for all those who are critical partners – our teachers and adult mentors, our expert speakers, and those who support us financially – particularly the generosity of the WHH Foundation and the Joseph Drown Foundation. Thank you.