Another One in the Books! News

Congratulations, LASA Class of 2021! We are so grateful for your participation this past year and are excited to be in touch with you as you apply what you have learned in LASA to your next steps.

In May, we welcomed Teneice Stegall and Celso Cardenas from Harvard Westlake to share tips and strategies for brainstorming next steps and moving towards college and financial aid applications. We appreciate their expert guidance as well as the terrific questions from the LASA students. We’re hopeful this summer can be a time of rest and imagining the future.

As we wrapped by the year, we welcomed LASA alums Daniel and Finn who shared about their current studies and thoughts about LASA. We look forward to re-starting our in-person pizza reunions next spring.

The week after our final meeting, LASA hosted a book-pick up in Bill’s front yard. We finally met many of this year’s class in person. For Bill, Taryn, and Elizabeth, this was one of the highlights of the year. Thanks to all who stopped by for a snack to say hi.

As always, thanks to all who help make LASA hum from our donors to our teachers to, of course, our terrific students. Extra thanks at the end of this year to Administrative Director Taryn Haydostian who will be leaving LASA to start a MILS at UCLA this fall. Congratulations to all the LASA graduates and to Taryn as she starts on this new adventure. Please keep in touch!