LASA Explores Business and Entrepreneurialism in Los Angeles


October 12th, 2013

Our day started with breakfast, of course, at The Huntington.  Then we heard from Elise Welch, an admissions officer from USC, who helped the group think about how to begin the process of thinking about college, learning about college, applying to college, and picking a college.  It was extremely helpful, and we are grateful to Elise for her time and interest.  Next we heard from LASA friend Rick Wartzman, the Director of the Drucker Institute, who gave us a terrific overview of the Los Angeles economy and the distribution of wealth and income.  After that Tom McGovern of Idealab spoke about entrepreneurs and start-ups, and he brought with him Mike Zhang, a young entrepreneur who shared lessons and experience with all of us.  It was a great morning.  From there, we went to Glenair and had another wonderful tour with LASA friend and supporter Ron Logan, the firm’s chief technologist.  We toured various sites within the plant, Ron talked about how things get designed, built, and mass produced.  And here we all are – photo thanks to Kelcey Logan – at Glenair.