LASA Goes To Glenair News

First, an exciting LASA announcement: John Lee joined the LASA team in a new capacity, as LASA’s social media director. Welcome, John!

Our wonderful tour guides Rob and Ron.

In September, LASA considered the role of business and manufacturing in LA. We traveled to Glenair in Glendale. Thanks to Ron Logan and Rob Tillman for hosting us, providing us with a tour, and giving us lunch.

“While visiting the Glenair factory I surprisingly learned what manufacturing was,” Jordan reflected, the trip went beyond “just hearing about the word thrown around in a sentence.”

LASA  gets a behind the scenes look at what Glenair produces.

The trip invited LASA students to consider their places in engineering. Josue wrote, “Being one of the growing fields for not only men, but for women as well, mechanical engineering plays an important part in today’s technological world by providing the most essential parts for vehicles and large companies. One of the most impressive parts that were demonstrated to us were the optic fibers, which were incredibly reduced in size and can transport so much data in a small amount of time, were designed right here in Los Angeles. Having the opportunity to see this really made me see the engineering career as a possible option for my future, especially when they stated that their location, that being close to home, is actually a “playground” for engineers!” Anna added, “Seeing innovation in engineering is really important because it inspires future workers to start thinking. I’m sure that plans for the future in engineering technology will become more and more immersive and life changing for all that can be affected by it.” 

We then returned to The Huntington to hear from LASA graduates Rachel and Victor about their award-winning summer research projects on Jewish graves in Boyle Heights (and the cemetery more broadly) and eugenics in Los Angeles. Both presentations captured their commitment to their work and the place LASA has had in their process.

Next month, we consider law and justice in LA. We look forward to seeing everyone in October!