LASA at the Huntington News

LASA gathered at The Huntington to spend time together on the grounds and to consider the role of journalism in civic engagement and democracy with author and journalist Miriam Pawel. We began with teams setting out into the gardens and galleries to observe and ask questions of each other and Huntington guards and guests. What was the oldest thing we …

Tiny Homes, Big Hope News

LASA gathered to learn more about one of the responses to LA’s homelessness crisis – theArroyo Seco Tiny Home Village that will open to new residents in the coming weeks. The Tiny Home Village is a partnership between Hope of the Valley Mission and the County’sLAHSA (Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority). When it opens, the Village will include 117units and …

The River! News

LASA gathered to kayak the LA River and to learn about the history and future of this “diverse,”“vibrant” eco-system. This was our first in-person meeting and the outdoor adventure can us achance to start to experience Los Angeles truly together. Isabel shared the initial impressions ofmany of us: “Before the kayaking journey this past weekend, my image of the LA …

Welcome to the New School Year! News

LASA 2021-2022 gathered via Zoom for our summer sessions over three days to meet each other and jump right into exploring LA together via mapping, considering water, and learning more about global plastics.  Spending time in break-out rooms, LASA students introduced themselves and took in the vast geography of our county by mapping routes connecting everyone in each group. Sam …

Another One in the Books! News

Congratulations, LASA Class of 2021! We are so grateful for your participation this past year and are excited to be in touch with you as you apply what you have learned in LASA to your next steps. In May, we welcomed Teneice Stegall and Celso Cardenas from Harvard Westlake to share tips and strategies for brainstorming next steps and moving …

LASA Meets the Mayor! News

LASA students Zoomed with Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti to ask him their questions about the role of local media in an informed electorate and community; infrastructure; justice; housing and homelessness; and environmental considerations for today and LA’s tomorrows.  Then, they spoke with Los Angeles Chief Design Officer Christopher Hawthorne about his work with civic memory as well as design and the future …

LASA on Mental Health News

In March, LASA gathered to learn more about public health – with a focus on mental health. We welcomed Kristen Choi, PhD, MS, RN from UCLA, a child/adolescent psychiatric nurse and health services researcher. She combines patient care with training of student nurses and public health related research. After sharing her journey to her present job, she generously answered so many …

LA Food Bank

Food Insecurity News

LASA gathered in February to think about food insecurity – its history in LA and the most recent surges in food needs during this past COVID-19 year. We recognize access to food is a critical concern for many Angelenos, LASA families included. First, Bill Deverell shared a brief history of food assistance programs in LA and then LASA Graduate Patrick Hudnut led a …

We’re Back with WATER! News

LASA kicked off 2021 with a Zoom meeting on water. Before we met, LASA students conducted research on the sources of their water as well as analyses of the taste. Reporting in, we heard the full range of answers from the Colorado River to a local provider and creative descriptions of the taste. We then welcomed Metropolitan Water District General …

Civic Memory News

What is civic memory? And how might LASA contribute to on-going conversations about civic memory in LA or create new ones? On November 14, we gathered via Zoom to think about these questions and to hear from LASA students. Bill started the day helping us better understand the concept and with a conversation about the city’s Civic Memory Working Group. …